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Principles of risk communications

  1.  Risk communication is the process by which information and opinions regarding hazards and risks are gathered from potentially affected and interested parties during a risk analysis, and by which the results of the risk assessment and proposed risk m an a gem e n t measures are communicated to the decision makers and interested parties in the importing and exporting countries. It is a multidimensional and iterative process and should ideally begin at the start of the risk analysis process and continue throughout.
  2. A risk communication strategy should be put in place at the start of each risk analysis.
  3. The communication of risk should be an open, interactive, iterative and transparent exchange of information that may continue after the decision on importation.
  4. The principal participants in risk communication include the authorities in the exporting country and other stakeholders such as domestic aquaculturists, recreational and commercial fishermen, conservation and wildlife groups, consumer groups, and domestic and foreign industry groups.
  5. The assumptions and uncertainty in the model, model inputs and the risk estimates of the risk assessment should be communicated.
  6. Peer review of risk analyses is an essential component of risk communication for obtaining a scientific critique aimed at ensuring that the data, information, methods and assumptions are the best available.

A suggested framework of risk analysis for the region

Preparation – preliminary activities that need to be completed before you begin the inspection. This may include the collection of inspection and safety equipment prior to all other tasks.

Documentation – the collection, preparation and examination of documents before you begin the inspection of the commodity or goods. This may be at an office or at the point of entry.

Inspection procedure – this involves the visual examination of the animal or commodity, procedures to enable the identification of the animal or animal product and the inspection to detect symptoms of disease and an attempt to determine a diagnosis of the disease. Samples may need to be taken for further referral for diagnostic purposes. Follow-up actions to be taken will depend on the results of this initial inspection. The activities include those that are required for your own safety in accordance with local occupational and health requirements.

Reporting – this will include recording your inspection activities and completing the documentation to record the procedures undertaken and the results obtained. This includes referrals to other staff for further action. Completion of forms and collection of relevant fees may be legal requirements for internal audit.

A guide to the allocation of animal commodity categories is below.
Animals Live
Birds ( Other then poultry), Day Old Chicks Fish (including aquarium fish), Crustaceans Bees, Poultry, Cats, Dogs, Cattle, Pigs, Goats, Sheep

Animal Breeding
Semen Fertile Eggs (fish and poultry) Live embryos

Animal Products
Hides (Raw salted), Tanned Hides, Meat uncooked/frozen Meat cooked, Meat dried, Meat Smoked, Meat processed, Fish frozen, Fish dried, Fish Smoked, Fish processed, Other Aquatic/Marine products, Milk raw/frozen, Milk pasteurized Milk processed Milk powder(dried) Butter Cheese

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