Ship Inspection: bulk cargo

1 – 5 Refer to Basic Requirements
6 Recheck that you have all the necessary equipment to conduct the inspection.
7 Examine the documentation with the manifest to determine if it is in compliance with the import permit.

Check the import requirements with the manual.

Check the phytosanitary certification.

  • identification of commodities
  • quantity
  • source of commodity/country or production area
  • additional declarations.

Normally, because of the potential for cross-infestation, ship infestation and difficulty of treatment of bulk commodities, all bulk ship commodities require inspection on arrival.

8 Determine the sampling rate from Section 1.2.4: Sampling, and draw samples as required.
9 Take samples to the import inspection facility and examine for regulated pests (arthropods, pathogens and weeds). If pests are detected, do not permit the ship to discharge.

The purpose of the identification is to determine: (a) if the pest is a quarantine pest in accordance with the national phytosanitary legislation; and (b) the appropriate phytosanitary measures that are required to manage the risk of entry of this pest.

10 Determine the appropriate pest management strategy for pests as determined by the commodity import requirements for that particular grain commodity.
11 If pests are not detected and details are in order, the consignment can be released. (The release may be subject to an audit inspection that is not part of the import requirements but a national function or part of a bilateral arrangement.)
12 If transport  is to an area outside the wharf, ensure that the trucks are sufficiently tarped to prevent spillage.
13 Complete the documentation.
14 Notify non-compliance.
See for additional information on garbage.

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